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New: Sweating in the Heat

How did this summer feel to you? Was it okay – or too hot? For us it was way too hot!!! 
How many weeks we had no fresh air, no clouds, no rain, no agreeable temperatures? So we suffered under the heat and therefore this song was written about this misery.
At the end of the lyrics there is a funny and extraordinary proposal for your next vacation (not too serious).

The cover artwork was designed by @blackthorn_art
If you like it, please have a look at the artist's instagram site.

Wie war für euch der Sommer in diesem Jahr? Für uns war er einfach zu heiß! Wieviele Wochen hatten wir keine kühle Luft, kaum Wolken und keinen Regen ?Deshalb dieser Song, der am Ende einen etwas lustigen Vorschlag für den nächsten Urlaub macht (nicht ganz ernstgemeint).

Das Cover wurde von @blackthorn_art gestaltet. Falls es euch gefällt, schaut bitte mal auf die Instagram-Seite.

Lyrics - Songtext:

It is too hot,  we‘re soaked in sweat
turn on that old - ventilator
36 degrees,  we‘re already wet
do we soon need  - a respirator? 

About 10 weeks  we had no rain
We and the nature need a shower
How can we be  - rescued from this pain
The heat will steal us    our last power

was it so hot in the last decades
I do believe, it was not
Can we still prevent the climate change?
Cause everything here - is way too hot

Ice pack, ice cube, and other ice stuff
will all these things  -  be enough
The next vacation - it should be
on the ice flows - on the arctic sea  
-  if  the ice bears  won‘t bite us

Tell me, - what does   the weather forecast say
when will we get some  storm and rain 
and how long will this heat still stay
how long do we have to stand this pain

We should not be attacked from the heat - no more
We dont want to ruin our health – sure

Ice pack, ice cube, and other ice stuff
will all these things be enough
The next vacation - it should be
on the ice flows - on the arctic sea 
- if the ice bears won‘t bite us


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Dance like Devils 
- Remastered -

This is a new and remastered version of the first published song 'Dance like Devils'.
The Song was written for the folks, who could not go clubbing and dancing during the pandemic period. Now they may dance like devils...
The cover artwork was designed by artist @blackthorn_art . If you like it, please have a look at the artist's instagram site.

Hier ist eine neue, technisch verbesserte Version des Songs 'Dance like Devils'.
Der Song wurde für die Leute geschrieben, die während der Pandemiezeit nicht aus- und tanzen gehen konnten. Jetzt können sie tanzen wie die Teufel...
Das Cover wurde von @blackthorn_art gestaltet. Falls es euch gefällt, schaut bitte mal in die entsprechende Instagram-Seite.

Lyrics - Songtext:

To stay at home at the weekend, it is so boring
Here at home you can hear the rain pouring
We should go to the city look for other faces
Maybe we find there some dance places

Where we could dance like the devils
Where we could feel just like rebels
Where we could go, go up the walls
In that discotheques and dance halls

Maybe we meet some other friends there
And the evening would never end there
With the dancing we would feel stronger
And our city life could last much longer

Where we could dance like the devils
Where we could feel just like rebels
Where we could go, go up the walls
In that discotheques and dance halls

We would be dancing  into the next day
Until the music  would no longer play
So let's get up and go, go for to dance
And dance like a devil in a trance

And we can dance like the devils
We can feel just like rebels
We can go, go up the walls
In that discotheques and dance halls

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Blue Note Cafe

Do you know Blue Note music? Jazzy, bluesy and relaxed... in some cities you may find a pub or tavern, where this music is played. This song is about that.

Kennt ihr Blue Note Musik? Jazzy, bluesy und relaxed... in einigen Städten findet man Lokale, in denen diese Musik gespielt wird. Darum gehts in diesem Song.

Lyrics - Songtext:

Blue Note music, I hear it from somewhere
Reminds me of this Blue Note cafe
With that great relaxing atmosphere
Hearing that music - you will gladly stay

The folks come here to enjoy the blues 
To feel this,  you must be there
Maybe the groove - goes into your shoes
And the saxophone riffs – will remain in your ear

I like this blue note cafe in this town
I love the athmosphere
There is an area for sentiment
And good feelings will appear

To feel the blue notes - you must be there
It'll be a sweet-talk to your ear

A singer sings with a rough and gruff voice
The blues grubs in minor chords 
The improvising brings it to the point
The guitars play so good - here on board

I like this blue note cafe in this town
I love the athmosphere
There is an area for sentiment
And good feelings will appear

To feel the blue notes - you must be there
It'll be a sweet-talk to your ear

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When Will I Smile Again

What can you do, when you're feeling down (and troubled)? Ask some friends for advice?  - But you hope, someday there will be something, that can make you smile again...

Was tun, wenn es einem emotional schlecht geht? Vielleicht Freunde fragen?  Aber du hoffst, dass es irgendwann irgendetwas gibt, das dir das Lachen zurückbringt.

Besonderheit in der Akkordfolge: Für die ersten zwei Zeilen der Verse wurde die "Andalusische Kadenz" verwendet.

Lyrics - Songtext:

The anguish that I feel, is running through my head
Each day when I get up, I’m feeling so sad 
I ask myself, what is wrong, and the day will be grey
I would like to end this, and better run away

Was it you, when you left me, only with few words?
In between I know, that it all really hurts
What can I do, to stand all the pain
And now I worry, some heartaches will remain

Should I better ask my friends, if they could help me
Maybe they have a good advice - or a remedy?

I hope there’s something, that can make me smile again
I wish, that someday, nothing will remain
I should now decide, to go some other ways
And in the future - I should see better days 

My friends they told me, bad feelings will go away
And then the future  will - not be - grey
They said, someday – again I’ll walk in the sun
And these current heartaches – they all will be done

I hope there’s something, that makes me smile again
I wish that someday, nothing will remain
I should now decide, to go some other ways
And I believe new days - will be no more grey

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Give me any Remedy

The song describes moments of life, when you feel, that strange people make trouble in your head - but that might be only a nightmare... however you need some help by any remedy.
The cover artwork was again designed by artist @blackthorn_art . If you like it, please have a look at the artist's instagram site.

Dieser Song beschreibt Momente, in denen man fühlt, dass seltsame, böse Menschen im eigenen Kopf herumschwirren und dort Ärger machen - vielleicht alles nur ein Alptraum... aber man braucht dringend irgendein Gegenmittel.
Das Cover wurde wieder von @blackthorn_art gestaltet. Falls es euch gefällt, schaut bitte mal in die entsprechende Instagram-Seite.

Lyrics - Songtext:

Who are those people, running through my head
In the night, they're laughing in my bed
In my dreams, they're dancing under my hat
When I wake up, I'm near to dead

How can I strip them away
How can I  better stay
Help me to throw them away
Maybe that guides me in a normal day

So give me any Remedy
To get out of this mistery
I think I need this frequently
To live my life more pleasantly

While I'm sleeping, they are creeping
When I'm dreaming, they are tweeting
Someone is there, who does the screaming
And then I struggle  into a sad feeling

How can I strip them away
How can I better stay
Help me to throw them away
Maybe that guides me in a normal day

So give me any Remedy
To get out of this mistery
I think I need this frequently
To live my life more pleasantly

I hate this running  in my head
I hate this laughing  in my bed
In between it makes me very sad
Please rescue me from this dread

So give me any Remedy
To get out of this mistery
I think I need this frequently
To live my life more pleasantly

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Dust from the Stars

This song describes, that a person went to the universe, someday came back and is asked, what was going on there and if there was time to work on ones self-realisation.
The cover artwork was again designed by artist @blackthorn_art . If you like it, please have a look at the artist's instagram site.

Dieser Song beschreibt, dass eine Person in den Weltraum flog, irgendwann zurückkommt und gefragt wird, wie es oben war und ob es Zeit gab, sich selbst zu verwirklichen.
Das Cover wurde von @blackthorn_art gestaltet. Falls es euch gefällt, schaut bitte mal in die entsprechende Instagram-Seite.

Lyrics - Songtext:

Somebody told me that you're back from space
With dust from the stars in your hair
Since you went away out of the rocket base
All your friends wondered what you're seeking there

You looked around in the outer space
many stars, you looked in their face
And tell me, have you seen the whole Milky Way
How many stars, what would you say

I hope you could work there on your self-realisation
While you flew under the sun
Your return might be under a better constellation
As before you had only little fun

You went to Jupiter, is he big as suspected
And is Mars not displeased about that
And tell me, is Venus not a little affected
And for the sun, did you need a shelter hat

Now you are back from your universe rounds
What you searched for, I hope you have found
Could you look for yourself during this long time
And are you ready new mountains to climb

I hope you could work there on your self-realisation
While you flew under the sun
Your return might be under a better constellation
As before you had only little fun

Hear the Groove

This is a song with a bluesy melody and describes, what could happen, when a Bluesband comes into town and plays along with its groove...
The cover artwork was again designed by artist @blackthorn_art . If you like it, please have a look at the artist's instagram site.

Dies ist ein Blues-Song und beschreibt, was passieren kann, wenn eine Blues-Band in die Stadt kommt und dort ihren Rhythmus verbreitet...
Das Cover wurde wieder von @blackthorn_art gestaltet. Falls es euch gefällt, schaut bitte mal in die entsprechende Instagram-Seite.

Lyrics - Songtext:

Can you hear the groove, the band is playing
It comes down to your feet
In a moment later, your shoe is tapping
It goes synchronic with the beat
The guitars play the melody, the bass runs boogie
The drums come up so hard
You can hear it beating  in the whole central city
And also at the old church yard

People on the street, they stop and they rest
Looking to the rhythm-blues band
Their feet begin to tap, just with the boogie
And some are clapping their hands
The rhythm gets harder, steady as a clock
Some people seem start a dance
And some minutes later, the groove moves along
It seems some people are in trance

Groove and music  drown out the city noise
The rhythm won't go away
The people also hear the singers rough voice
And this should happen every day
The music goes straight into their soul
Makes them happy for the day
They think it might be only  a magical dream
But the music carries them away

For the hot Summer:
Summer, Sun, 
Too Hot to Work

This is a summer song with a happy groove and summerfeeling. The song gives people tipps, what they could do to bear the momentary heat.

Dies ist ein Sommersong mit Rhythmus und 'Summerfeeling' und gibt Tipps, was man tun kann, um die Hitze auszuhalten.
Es ist eine englische Version von 'Sommer-Sonne-Hitzefrei'.

Lyrics - Songtext:

Summer, Sun, too hot to work
Everybody feels it, tell it every jerk
It is too hot, they closed the school
The teachers too said: that’s very cool

Summer, Sun, for work it’s too hot
We all are sitting in a heated pot
What could we do, what do you think?
Can we order a cooled and shaked drink?

The T-Shirt sticks, we’re soaked in sweat
In minutes we will be completely wet
To work in these days, it is so painful 
For some cool water, we would be grateful

Let us run to the swimming pool
A jump in the water, should be very cool
A dish of ice-cream can be the straight tip
With that we will cool our lips

Some folks may go to a lake or to the sea
To lay themselves under a shadow tree
They’ll take their time for relax and play
And for to sail throughout the whole bay

Summer, Sun, too hot to work
Everybody feels it, tell it every jerk
The heat will stay, we need a fan
Or has anybody   an-other plan?

Summer, Sun, for work it’s too hot
We all are sitting in a heated pot
Vacations are not so far away
And so we’re waiting for the first day...

This Groovy Music

New song about the music, with a special groove...

The cover artwork was again designed by artist @blackthorn_art . If you like it, please have a look at the artist's instagram site.

Neuer Song über die Musik, mit speziellem Groove...

Das Cover wurde wieder von @blackthorn_art gestaltet. Falls es euch gefällt, schaut bitte mal in die entsprechende Instagram-Seite.

Lyrics - Songtext:

Feel this groovy music – it’ll go straight into your heart
Each moment  I hear this - I could make a brand-new start
This rhythm pushes me, and my burdens will depart
When I hear the chords, it nearly breaks my heart

Some folks have had enough - trouble in the past
But with this song – they should fly away so fast
And my current sorrows, they should be the last
And then the sky will not - be grey and overcast

So let us feel it, when we start a new day
So that the music can carry us away
So let it groove, when we walk a new way
With this groovy music - we could fly away

This groove can make - easily move your feet
Infected with this groove - you can go down to the street
Each time you feel - that groovy guitar beat
It moves you doubtless - away from your seat

So let the music play whole day and whole night
This groovy music – makes you feel alright

This groovy music - belongs to a special art
It will connect us - and not tear us apart
Always when we hear it, it goes straight into our hearts
And inside our bodies - a new fire starts

So let us feel it, when we start a new day
So that the music can carry us away
So let it groove, when we walk a new way
With this groovy music - we could fly away

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